
6 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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Veeery creepy! xD
Sounds a bit like heartbeats in the middle :)
Where did you get the inspiration?

MDAStudio responds:

Yeeees! You have a good hear friend :) They are heartbeat, I inspired from the trailer soundtrack of alien covenant. I like the alien saga: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjP_bdW_bMA

"But, but, I wanted to work on my project! :'o" (Joke ;P )
First things first, this is the first time I've heard @TheEighthHour do one of the British accents, and I have to say, he does a jolly good job there, no complaints there!

This is a very interesting idea, and I'd love to see more!
Personally, if an old friend sent me a message out of the blue, I would open the message, not delete it, out of curiosity.

If insults and pain was the content the message, I would be disappointed in the sender, then delete it swiftly, and move on with my life. If good feelings, like the potential to rekindle the friendship, was in the message, I'd take an awknowledging action towards them.

NyanaCreation responds:

haha i have some stuff going on but if you really want to try out voice acting i can always write a script for you, you know that ^^ and @TheEighthHour did an amezing job.

i know it's very intressting but it is a huge thing to make. especially because i have to plan everything out in advance before making the script itself. wouldn't be a problem but still alot of work besides that everyone has a choice and this is yours because of curiousity ^^

that's the point. mabey another person would say they would move on from that because they don't have time for someone that wouldn't make time for them. but i am glad you like it.

With this text, Nyana took the feeling of heartbreak, familiar to most people, used words from a language we all here know, and created a new, unique, and descriptive feeling of such a painful event. I really get the sensation @TheEighthHour describes in his (here) flat and broken voice, displaying great versatility when you compare this to another collab he did with Nyana: Goodnight: Friend.

So while the author comparing this event to being on the deck of a ship on the sea, with their lost love hiding in the cabin is relevant to *them*, we all understand and feel the pain here, conveyed litterally and sonically (unsure how to put it in another way). And that, people of NG, is another proof of how @NyanaCreation is beginning to master the miracle of words. (bet Nyana will get that reference ;P ^_^ )

P.S.: Knowing "virtually nothing" about something is another way of saying "litterally nothing", as in almost, or next to, nothing at all about a subject ;)

NyanaCreation responds:

i think the @TheEighthHour did an amezing job with audio that have to sound broken and hurt. i have another poem i want to give him as well what i am really curious about how he will bring that. but he is busy right now so mabey when he has time later he can do that to if he is willing. anyway i just bring the hurt i have into words like this. i like to scape an image with my stories that still tell a story that's clear enough but can be put into two forms.

i get the refference of the miricale of words ^^ it was a gift i made for a close friend of mine. but yes i am getting better at making poems and putting my feelings into such words. even though i have not make poems for so long i like doing it more than before. but thanks for the compliment ^^

Powerful. Painful. @TheEighthHour did exemplary work here. And so did you, Nyana.
I know the events and actions behind these words, which makes it harder for me to hear this.
But it's good that you get your thoughts and feelings onto paper, writing them out helps a bit.
I hope you will never have to go through anything like this ever again.
If you do, I'll be there for you when I can, Nyana, I swear. *Teddybearhug*

NyanaCreation responds:

it are just feelings they are usefull for making work and following dreams (although i don't have those) i don't know how this just flows right out of me like the story but it happends. it's just a way to put my emotions on paper. i have done from when i was very small and i still do that now even though it's now more public. it's just a poem that reminds me of the past and unfortunally for the other person they lost me in the process of not caring enough and it's sweet you don't want me to go through this again but you can never stop what might happen. and so be it but i know i can count on you and my other friends.

Ah! Awesome to see @TheDanceFloor do voice acing! That was a wonderful surprise! Great to see Nyana is working with her! ^_^
Based on what I hear, I think Floor spoke the whole thing in one go, which is impressive, kudos to her for that! I would probably have to practice and repeat a dozen times before I could do it all in one, long take xD Floor also has a very believable accent, no trace of her Dutch language, and she has good articulation :)

Advice to Floor: be mindful of background noise, I think I heard a short "bloop" at 11 seconds xD also, I would make the clip last a little bit longer by simply slowing down now and then. So that it sounds a bit less as a rant, and a bit more as a calm reflection. This is a long monologue, and pacing it is important so that we don't near-forget what was said 30 seconds ago. (I know Floor called this a rant at the end, but with gushing out words as one does in a rant, there is a risk of pacing too quickly)

Advice to Nyana, the writer: since Newgrounds is available to minors, I would not use the F-word in clips. I jumped when she said that, and it took me by surprised. "Screwed" would work just as well, I think?

But, these are just my thoughts. Use them or dismiss them (or a mix of both) as you want :)
I hope Floor does more work with ECF student logs!

(If Nyana thinks I could pull off a student-imitation, I would be most honored to collaborate, so let me know! :) )

NyanaCreation responds:

i am sure that if @TheDanceFloor will be happy with the helpfull tips you gave her. it is impressive that she did it in one go especially because this is her first time doing this.

for me i am not going to sencor my words for something as easy as that. it's a creepy pasta story for the begin and second i don't want to parent myself in any way. minors are not stupid and already know the ''f-word'' i know i will stay away from certan curse words because it's absolutly discuting when people use it but fuck isn't such a big deal i think. if you can't handle that one you should not lissen to my scripts or two get over it. me sencoring my work is not going to help keep the minors away from the word i assure you that.

TheDanceFloor responds:

Hey dude, thanks for the advice! And actually the advice for Nyana about cursing also helps me because I curse a lot.... oops.... anyway now I know that I probably shouldn't do that in any posts.

And I think that boop was from the mic.... I was messing with it with my fingers because I had to do something with them. Maybe next time I'll just grab a pen or a anti-stressball instead xD

Also thank you for thinking that I did all of this in one go.... Because I didn't xD I like to read out the lines as many times as I can until I'd get it right. Then I edit it back together in Adobe Premier Pro.... Soooo I think I fooled you a bit there! Still though: it is very nice to hear that someone couldn't hear that it was edited so that makes me a little bit more confident.

And last but not least: thank you for saying that I don't have any Dutch traces in my English voice, I've worked kinda hard on that and I like it that it didn't go unnoticed :)

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