
139 Art Reviews

107 w/ Responses

Hmm, this seems familiar to me ;)
This drawing is really, really good! ^^
The technique in separate part of the face is excellent, the hair, the eyes, even the mouth with the adorable little fang ^^ ...the shading is great! Finger-rubbing or eraser?

When I look at this, I see all the patience, practicing, and skill combined to make this, and I <3 the result! :D
(what's the story about the nose bandage?
I've seen some sporty manga/animé characters wear them ;) )

NyanaCreation responds:

I am not sure what you see that is formiliar but that is great ^_^ i am so happy someone sees i used different techinques for the drawing as well. (and yah the fang is adorable :D ) and i used for the shading just pen and than wiped it with my finger to get is more smuchy. first put stripes down and than just wiped over it ^_^ and i am so happy you see the work i put into this it took me a little while and than had to figure out how to draw it :D (that makes my day)

and the story for her basecally is: she is energetic and gets in trouble for that. she usually tries to do the right thing and it comes from a sweet heart but somethimes she shows it the wrong way or people see it the wrong way. that is the reason she is a trouble maker as well as she is kinda clumpsy :p so that is the bandage (just like me XD )

Heh ^^
Nice joke!
(after a while, however, this made me think about premature birth. Probably not your intention. Or?)
(And the only "real famous baby" I can think of is the baby from Nirvana's album "Nevermind" ;) )

To evaluate technically:
I like the varied colour palette, as well as the subtle shading :)
The fact that you chose to include the expanded navel is a good thing, shows an honesty and will to portray things as they truly are, and not a "romanticized" version of it.
Using the umbilical cord as censoring was clever.

Things to criticize:
A little more detailed background, and well as some more details in it would have improved the picture. I know you're capable (Haji 01 and 02), so is the simplicity here because of the timeframe, event rules, or just that you could not be bothered? :P

Lexi-doodles responds:

Hey thanks for the comment.
It was more meant to be, due date = eviction day. Plus all the days after the due date where the mother just want the baby out already. Haha.
And thank you, I had a feeling it was nirvana but I uploaded this before leaving the house so I didn't have to to re look it up. I'll change the info as soon as I get the chance :)
And thank you, I knew I had to cover the baby up in some way and I thought using the cord was a cheeky way to do so :)
I know it is pretty simplified, the timeframe has a lot to do with it, most of the other work I've done, I was still living at home with no job and on break from uni. Now it's the complete opposite and I'm finding it hard to do all the 'adult' things as well as putting a lot of time into my artwork. Hopeful over the next few cotm's I find a good balance.

Not bad! You've made great progress!
Did you use a miniature, pose-able figure. did you find the position online, or did you come up with it all on your own? (and at least I would love to see the other poses, would like to see where your creativity goes, what poses you want to use)

NyanaCreation responds:

Thank you ^_^ and i used a picture from google as help. i didn't come up with it myself (i am not skilled enough for that yet) but it still helped me alot. (and i will see if i can post more posses)

Heh, actually reminded me of the teddy-bear pose :P
But both are cute, right? :)
But yeah, I can feel the shyness and "reserved-ness" here.
Good job at conveying that! ^^

NyanaCreation responds:

haha yah both are defentually cute, ^_^ and thanks it took me a while to finish and i am happy i made it pop like that ^^

It's clever to use circles in the joints. You have definitely improved your anatomy drawing!
Well done! ^^

NyanaCreation responds:

yah the circkels help you with the shoulders as well with the knees. they are a bit of a weird shape so that helps you draw it better. and thanks i hope i am inproving ^_^

Lovely :)
Are these dragons related to the northern lights (Aurora Borealis)?

themefinland responds:

Oho not quite, the boreal bit in their name is just to hint at the location where they live in :)

:O WOW! I love this! So well-made! A lot of time has gone into this, and I see a lot of improvement! ^^
Lylian (heh ;) ) looks so bad-ass, and the clothes are really cool :D
You can definitely draw the characters from your fantasy universe like this!
(and I have not forgotten Caer, ;) )

NyanaCreation responds:

aahww thank you so much <3 and yah it took some time and i am glad you see inprovement in my drawing. (and yup Lylian :p ) and yah i could draw the characters from my fantasy like that, super good idea :D i can imediatly see how much i inproved as well. (and okay take your time with Cear ^_^)

Windy day, open window, a picture in a frame standing in it...
...is the glass in the picture cracked? Or is it a person? Hmm...
23 marks on the wall under it... a rack wiiith a flute?
I'm not sure about the card-thing down and to the left.

Based on the title, and what I think when I see this, I think the story behind this is:
The person the things belong to are missing the person in the picture, they have marked on the wall how many days it has been since they last saw each other, and to reduce the pain of missing them, the person opened the window, and played the flute, thinking fondly of their dear friend.

NyanaCreation responds:

your very observant and got most things correct. i'm suprised you saw a flute (i don't see it) but it is an intressting twist to the story to be honest and i really like that. (this is what i wanted to hear, a story from someone elses mind what they think it is) this makes me really happy to read ^_^
thank you.
I really like the story you thought off, and what details you used to make the story ^_^

Awww poor person :/
Going through so much, yet feel they should hide their struggle, keep the mask on...
Are the wrappings/bandages on their arm part of the costume design or to hide marks from self-harm there?
Great job on this, Nyana :)

NyanaCreation responds:

it's kinda a symbol. the bandages i mean and on the same time it is not. i kinda wanted to make a peace that i could relate to in ways. what i had in mind for the drawing was that the person has alot of problems in there head but doesn't seek help for it. that means hide it from others and keep going. it is what people feel somethimes. that they have to hide there feelings to be noticed or to be seen as a nice person. of course this doesn't count for everyone but that is what i wanted to show. it's a huge symbol that represents a peace of my life i guess.

anyway i'm really glad you like it ^_^

Nice :D
With those somewhat-pointed ears she reminds me of a forest-elf ^^
Does that tiara have thorns or horns as decoration?

NyanaCreation responds:

yah she is an elf so you saw that right and she has baby deer hornes or that is what it is suposed to look like. anyway glad you like it ^_^

Greetings! I'm a huge fan of Fallout and Elder Scrolls, cosplay those. Love art in all forms. I love reading fiction and nonfiction. I write TES fanfic. Favorite bands: MetallicA and Iron Maiden. Thank you for visiting my profile! Have a great day onward!

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