I hope you've all had a superb christmas! I certainly did. I received a little bit of everything: a gift card for an electronics store, a thick sweater, thich wool socks, a really extensive hiker's manual, and skiing goggles so that I won't be blinded and harassed by my constant winter nemesis, the relentless, assaulting snow brougth forth by chilling, arctic winds. And lots of luxurious chocolate, which I was happy to receive, being the sweet-tooth that I am :3
So, now we're all approaching the end of yet another year on this miserable cess-pool of an excuse of a world. This new year will have lots in store for me, I'm sure. I'll (hopefully) get a job, I'll (hopefully) travel the wastes of autumn Russia and I'll (hopefully) gather the nerve to tell my crush what I feel for her.
I wish you all strengh to rise above the challenges of 2015. A new year is a chance to begin again. But I believe that one's life can be made anew every day, and that fortune is more than the wealth in your hands. Love, life, family, those to care for and those who will care for you. To those who know these joys, 2015 holds little they do not already possess.
I wish you all well, and from me to you: merry christmas and a happy new year.